10 Famous Prayers
By Rosalinda Flores-Martinez | Submitted On March 28, 2010
"I will heed in your statutes Lord, so I could go forth." This is an example of a personal prayer. It can come from any prayer book, the Holy Bible, from traditional prayers, and from the religious sector, among others. Also, prayers can come as the heart dictates to an omnipotent God. These prayers guide and help people in the everyday affairs of life.
Check out these ten prayers:
The Our Father
This prayer acknowledges that there is but one God for us all. It is a universal joint for all men connecting to our Father God. The basics of prayer are embodied here (ACTS): adoration, contrition, thanksgiving, supplication.
The Hail Mary
Maria is the mother of Jesus Christ and our mother too. Reciting this prayer gives men the grace to pray with Mama Mary.
The Rosary
Praying the rosary is also waiting for the Holy Spirit to be one with us. Here the mysteries in Christ's life are meditated. Prayers are chanted upon. It is giving power to life with the help of the Holy Spirit telling us what to do in God's will.
The four sets of mysteries include "Mysteries of Joy," "Mysteries of Light," "Mysteries of Sorrow," and "Mysteries of Glory."
Apostles Creed
This prayer authenticates a profession of strong faith in God. Many say that when this prayer is chanted, evil spirits with go away.
Novena Rose Prayer of St. Theres Saint Therese gives people small miracles from heaven. The Novena Rose Prayer reminds that "A faith as big as a mustard seed can move mountains."
Prayer to St. Jude
Saint Jude is the intercessor for impossible cases. "St. Jude, pray for us."
Prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Usually the prayer to the Sacred Heart can be prayed for nine consecutive Fridays (novena). "Most Sacred Heart of Jesus, we trust in You."
St. Hannibal Prayer for Vocations
The prayer is for priests, the religious, and all the holy workers. Whether as a student, a mother, a street sweeper, a professional and/or any work in life - anyone can recite the prayer for vocation.
"Send O Lord, holy apostles into Your church."
St. Jose Maria Escriva Prayer for Work
This says about solemnity in work as an offering to God.
Prayer to our Guardian Angel
Little boys and girls do not forget to pray this one. And of course, the adults who want to be close to their guardian angels do so.
And there are more prayers. You can make your own, just like this one:
"Lord my guide, my guiding light Don't let go just hold me tight. Fill my heart with love to share That I may help and not despair." (I Shall Write, Rosevoc2)
Rosalinda Flores - Martinez
http://rfvietnamrose09.blogspot.com http://roseprayers.blogspot.com
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