My View On Why We Should All Wear A Mask When Out In Public: Jesus Said ‘Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me.’
Living With Novel Corona Virus or Covid 19
By Kaliyath Achutha Kumar | Submitted On April 29, 2020
The human world has just gone almost upside down. The recent pandemic has grabbed the everyday life of humans' by the throat, and this happened all of a sudden. Fear has emerged from the darkness and has proliferated within the entire globe very swiftly, and this has paralyzed the routine works of humans. The Novel Corona Virus has brought in very many novel ways along with it, which were unknown to humans hitherto, rather neglected by them.
Now, many say that from now onwards, there will be a pre and post Novel Corona Virus era.
But, will humans become novel because of Novel Corona Virus? If we learn the essence of this painful pandemic, then we will see the emergence of a welcoming world on the other side of this heartbreak! On the other hand, if the lesson remains unread, then for sure, it will breed enmity between nations, which will take the world to novel confrontations.
Let's hope for the best to happen. Let us have a bit of optimism and look forward to a better human society where there are no religious, caste, or racial discriminations.
Living With Novel Corona Virusor Covid 19 - Precautions
Be hygienic always, anywhere, and at all costs. Maintaining personal hygiene is imperative. Whenever you move out, wear a face mask; for common use, a two-layered cloth mask is better. You can reuse the same after washing. You can also make it at home. While wearing and removing masks, you must take double care; you must not touch the middle portion by hand; always, hold the string for wearing and removing. Don't place your mask carelessly here or there, after use. Always take it to your bathroom if washable and wash it with soap or detergent immediately. If it is a 'one-time' use mask, you must wash it in the same manner and put it in a plastic bag and then to the garbage bag. You can also cut the same into one or two pieces, as this will prevent somebody using the same again. After removing the mask, you must wash your hands. Remember, when you are out of your home, you won't know whether the person near you is a Novel Corona Virus carrier. This practically means that your entire body is unhygienic and hence, never allow your hands to touch vulnerable parts of your body such as nose, eyes, and mouth. Always take a small bottle of hand sanitizer with you; this will be of great help to you when you are on the move. Forget about the handshake greeting; don't greet by a handshake; instead, you can just fold your hands and nod your head. This is the best form of greeting. Sanitize your hands more often; when you are at home, you can use soap. It's always good to take warm foods and drinks. Maintain individual distance; at least three feet away from another person. It's sensible to stay away from crowded places, in any case, for these initial periods. Clean your hands and feet when you reach your home or workplace. When you reach your home, you must enter inside only after washing your feet. Straight away, you must have your bath. Take protein-rich food, which will make your resistance-level up and will enhance the overall immunity power.
9/19/2020, 11:40 AM
Living With Novel Corona Virus or Covid 19https://ezinearticles.com/?Living-With-Novel-Corona-Virus-or-Covid-1...
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Do physical exercises regularly, which will help our body metabolism. Get in touch with a practicing physician if you feel something wrong with your body. Never attempt to do self medication.
Finally, we must learn the lesson taught by this Novel Corona Virus that human life is so fragile, and it can collapse even by a minute virus, which is not visible by the human naked-eye. Hence, we must throw away the hatred that we were carrying hitherto and must love one another. Let us become Novel Human Beings.
Kaliyath Achutha Kumar is a freelance article writer. Leave a message if you want to contact him. Presently, he writes articles and guest posts for a reputed SEO Company and does editing work for another SEO Company.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Kaliyath_Achutha_Kumar/134261
Do Face Masks Really Help Protect You From Viral Infections?
By Dong Wong | Submitted On May 18, 2020
Most people have this question on their minds because of the current COVID-19 pandemic. Do antiviral face masks keep your healthy? In this article, we are going to answer this question from different perspectives. Read on to know more.
According to the best evidence available, if you are sick, you can protect others from getting sick by wearing a mask. Similarly, if you are around sick people, you can protect yourself from the virus. However, keep in mind that these masks can't offer 100% protection against viral infections.
By the end of 1800s, surgical masks, aka courtesy masks, became quite common for doctors to use in the operating rooms. Their popularly was sky high in the beginning of 1918 during the influenza pandemic that took the life of over 50 million people over a course of three years.
Around a hundred years later, molecular techniques proved that the surgical type could offer strong protection against the flu. Aside from this, another study helped researched counter the virus particles found floating around the patients infected with the flu virus.
The researchers found that the surgical type reduced the emission of big viral droplets by 25 folds. However, these products are less effective when it comes to keeping away tiny viral droplets that stay in the air for hours.
The surgical type offers strong protection just like respirators. Unlike the regular masks, respirators are specially designed devices that can protect you from flu. However, you can't use them as they are designed for use in hospitals only.
According to Australian investigators, if you put on a surgical mask, your likelihood of catching a virus infection goes down by at least 60%. However, this statement is valid only if you are in a home environment. When you are outside, the protection level drops significantly.
However, the problem is that the majority of people doesn't wear a mask properly in order to protect themselves. Moreover, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is skeptical about wearing these products outside hospitals and other health care facilities.
For now, there are no recommendations for the use of these masks for asymptomatic people. And this includes even those who are more prone to complications. This statement is published on the agency website.
So, what should you do? If you don't want to put on any type of mask, experts suggest that you should stand a minimum of 6 feet away from a person who is already infected. This will increase your chances of keeping your safe against the infection. So, it's better to stand or sit at least 6 feet away from the person you are talking to.
Apart from this, you may want to wash your hands more frequently. This is important as your hands may transmit the virus to your body through your mouth, nose or eyes.
9/19/2020, 11:39 AM
Do Face Masks Really Help Protect You From Viral Infections?https://ezinearticles.com/?Do-Face-Masks-Really-Help-Protect-You-Fr...
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Long story short, this is the guide that you can follow in order to find out if you should wear a mask for protection against a viral infection. Hope this helps.
Are you looking to find out more about an antiviral face mask? If so, we suggest that you check out FaceMaskBuying.
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Dong_Wong/2659905
The Truth About Face Masks and the Need for New N95
By Lila Diefenderfer | Submitted On July 07, 2020
As the country has opened back up and cases are spiking in many states, President Trump and the CDC strongly recommend that everyone wear a face mask when they leave their home.
Some cities and states are now mandating that you must wear a mask - even in your own backyard!
But, tying a bandana around your face or using a cheap surgical mask a) doesn't work that well b) is hot and uncomfortable.
Plus, most made-at-home masks have significant "leakage" around the nose and under the mouth.
Luckily, there are secured 95% filtering, comfortable masks.
As we navigate these uncertain times, there is a lot of confusing information out there.
Many things are changing by the minute:
Statistics and predictions that leave us reeling Science that is constantly evolving Recommendations for public health can be inconsistent A steady stream of "fake news" flooding in
All we can do is do our best to look after ourselves and others, and that's why I've been trying to share what helpful information I can from a trustworthy, science-based, natural health perspective.
One of the most confusing pieces of advice lately has been around mask-wearing.
Does it work? Should mask-wearing be mandatory?
9/19/2020, 11:49 AM
The Truth About Face Masks and the Need for New N95https://ezinearticles.com/?The-Truth-About-Face-Masks-and-the-Need-f...
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According to my professional perspective, here is what you really need to know about wearing a face mask today (and why the truth might surprise you).
The best basic measure is still to keep up with regular, thorough hand-washing with warm water and soap.
But there is one important step most Americans ignore, and this can go a long way toward keeping your body safe.
Is your hand-washing technique leaving you vulnerable to illness or worse?
I think you'll wonder why you didn't start doing this weeks ago...
1. Stay at home in your "safe zone". 2. Avoid public transportation. Walk, use your car. 3. Avoid closed spaces with A/C. 4. Avoid contact with people without face masks. 5. Sanitize hands after touching anything outside of safe zone.
Things You Should be Aware of:
People without face masks are a risk for you and for your close ones. Droplets can spread up to 7 meters. Expect that everything outside of safe zone is contaminated. Don't touch your eyes. On metals and plastics, the virus can persist for days. Disinfect your cell phone. You can create your own disinfection, ideally 60%-70% alcohol. Always wear a face mask outside (even homemade) A used face mask should be treated as contaminated. Disinfect or boil it. Slower breath increases the efficiency of any face mask. Protect your eyes with any glasses Protecting your eyes is as essential as the protection of your breath.
>>> It's time to take more care about yourself and family! <<<
About Reusable Face Masks:
- Reusable polyester face masks with ear loops for lasting comfort
- Eco-Friendly safety dust mask for both women and men.
- Anti-Droplet, reusable and washable up to 30 times.
- One size fit most, easy on and off, easy carrying.
- Perfect mask when travelling through congested airports, bus terminals, malls, parks and busy city streets.
You should be asking yourself these questions:
Does your mask really works? What type of mask should you wear? Should you make your own mask?
Article Source: https://EzineArticles.com/expert/Lila_Diefenderfer/469065